greg @ threeleggedlegs
check out his personal works @
what a fuckin nightmare this photo...
Sunday, February 28, 2010
S.A.D. p049
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
S.A.D. p047
Thursday, February 25, 2010
S.A.D. p046
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
S.A.D. p045
This is the kind of photo my mother (pictured right) loves to see posted online. Its crazy that someone gave birth to me.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
S.A.D. p042
Between November 29th 2007 and August 3rd 2008 I logged 15,746 photos. Of those, I tagged my darling Pix in 1,365 of them.
That means 8.67% of the photos I took contained this shining face! Wow!
S.A.D. p041
Ok, so now I feel guilty for posting photos as my SAD... but thats part of the point! Ive got tens of thousands of photos, and only a fraction of them shown. So if you think its a cop out, go fug yourself!
More figure drawings and photosets on the way!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
S.A.D. p040

It picked up towards the end, but for a while after I got there almost everyone was out of tune. Couple of serious winners though, including Layla Lane. If you want some badass upbeat piano/guitar battle saloon type shit, go check em out.
Always fun to draw @ Unurban Cafe Friday Night Open Mic Night.
Friday, February 19, 2010
S.A.D. p039
"it doesn't say 'cop-out-a-day' " - pix
I've got figure drawings and a buncha stuff I wanna post, but I'm in a hurry tonight. Normally I wouldn't justify myself, but someone is looking over my shoulder giving me shit.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
S.A.D. p038
This is the first picture of my darling that I have. Today marks us being together for FOUR years. Pretty disgusting if you ask me. :)
Circa May 2006Tuesday, February 16, 2010
S.A.D. p037
Monday, February 15, 2010
S.A.D. p036

I was planning on doing a couple of digital paintings for my family for xmas, but I wound up waiting too late and stressing myself out in the process. The holidays should be about enjoying things, not freaking out. This is the only piece I finished, though afterwords I just let it sit on my hard drive.
I would up doing a series of charcoal portraits of them instead. Maybe I'll post those tomorrow.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
S.A.D. p035
Just a random quickie tonight. Had a wonderful weekend and some good photos and shit to post, but for now this little fucker will have to wet your whistle.
S.A.D. p034
Friday, February 12, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
S.A.D. p032
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
S.A.D. p031
I was really excited when I bought Chuck BB's first shirt @ Nucleus gallery. Its still one of my favorite threads. Hes a good buddy, and a badass artist. Go get some of his shit!
Chucks Merch @ Nucleus Gallery
The official Chuck BB store
Chucks Website
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
S.A.D. p030
Monday, February 8, 2010
S.A.D. p029

Here's some initial scribblings. Buncha different ideas.

Sunday, February 7, 2010
S.A.D. p028

I'm pretty sure I sent this to Dylan, but never posted it anywhere.

This one I quite likely haven't shown anyone.
Animated GIF's are rad, and when you've got a camera that shoots hella burst mode you wind up with lots of potential for lil things like this. I've got dozens plannned, but I've been sitting on all of them since 2007. Seeing these is the first step, and I will definitely get around to finishing the rest.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
S.A.D. p027

Back to Sunken City! January 3rd 2010!
Ok so look, the thing is... I've got TONS of photos. I'm not a photographer or anything, but I really like to shoot. Its mostly for my memory so I don't forget all the good times I'm having. The problem is after I upload them to my comp, they just sit there in media catalogs. Thus why I post so many photos here. I'm trying to do SOMETHING with them!
After this set, I'm more or less caught up with 2010's stuff. My plan is to stay on top of it, and get shit posted as it happens. No more waiting 3 years to post shots.
Friday, February 5, 2010
S.A.D. p026

This is what victory looks like.

And this is defeat.
In case you missed it... this is what I'm referring to. Thanks bebbeh.
Being the sassy lady she is, she made ANOTHER bet upon the arrival of this mega burrito. Now if I can only make it to 6 months without missing a post.
Tee hee hee.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
S.A.D. p025
I have 747 images tagged with "sky" (which is the general term i used to organize all photos where the beauty of the sky is the dominant factor of the image) in my 2008 media catalog.
Still haven't come up with a good way to use them all without it being bullshit.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
S.A.D. p024
BLT's are quite possibly the best sandwich ever. Especially when you say to your darling lady, "Woman... make me a sammich." and she actually does.
Mmmmmmmmm bacon.
circa may 2008
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
S.A.D. p023
This photo has haunted me FOREVER. I cant quite put my finger on it exactly... but it definitely has something to do with the perfect sharp isolation of the hand and can, and the quickness to which the rest of the background blurs out into overexposed goodness.
But other than that, theres no real story or anything. Its just an image that always catches my eye. So fuck it, I'm finally posting.
Monday, February 1, 2010
S.A.D. p022

Comic Con is a fucking great adventure. I've been every year since maybe even 2005? I don't remember exactly. Here's the phots I never posted from 2008's con. Some friends and family were in town, and we all carpooled down there and got nuts.
Within a few years, I hope to be proactive and have a booth down there with my buds @ Three Legged Legs. Woo hoo.