Sunday, January 31, 2010

S.A.D. p021

DSC_0044, originally uploaded by threeleggedcasey.

Yo! This is my sister Rita. She just recently jumped on the blog bandwagon. I'm really excited, cause shes a goddamned craft master! I've been trying to get her to post her works on the internet for a really long time. There's not much there yet, but give it time and stay tuned.


If you like things that are handmade, shes your gal. Oh, and she takes commissions as well! I gotta take some photos of the awesome shit she made for sludge mansion for Christmas. Yea!

Oh and in other news, I finally posted photos from the January BOND run over at Hide and Seek with Cars . If you're still looking here for BOND related stuff, add that site to your life. Its all there!



The Pancake Master said...

I don't see any links to the sister-blarg, but she is looking mighty fine with that beard. I think I might have one commission for her, does she do any metalwork?

ritabook said...

Dear Casey,
I don't know how to follow your blog.
Love Didter
P.S. I haven't done metal work, but I can always look into it.

Casey Hunt said...

oops. i blew it.
link added.