Monday, April 12, 2010

S.A.D. p092

DSC_4524, originally uploaded by coolkatcasey.

Two years ago four days from now, this bitch almost ran me and some friends over backing up out of a parking spot at the Co-Op Santa Monica. When she realized it, she honked at us and started me down. So I stopped, and slowly took her photo through her side mirror. The end.

Hit the fullsize to see her gnarly ghost face.


Kayla Rae said...

i hate when people leave shopping carts all over the damn parking lot, is it seriously that hard to walk the extra ten feet to put it where it goes?

...i also hate when they call them wagons.

Casey Hunt said...

at the walmart out here in LA, they called em "baskets" or even "buggies". i mean wtf. they are fucking SHOPPING CARTS!

Lynn said...

The full size doesn't come out very big. Some folks are just naturally crabby. What are you doing to do? Give them kindness.

The Pancake Master said...

Yeah man, it's like the Bhagavad-Gita says: "Don't give too much of a shit about stuff."

ritabook said...

Buggies are the worst.. had a boss from the south once and I told him, you can't call them buggies here. the end.

jhunt said...

i would have walked up to her window and took a picture.