Monday, April 27, 2009

BOND 04.25 : The Aftermath


Well this run was supposed to be taking place in San Pedro, but due to an unfortunate series of events, that run has been pushed till next month. Details coming soon I swear. But shit don't matter, we still had a solid run as far as I'm concerned.

We had a solid turnout of 34 heads, and interestingly enough, it was the lightest count of newbs we've had yet. I want to say that there were less than 10 people who hadn't played before. We we're even graced by the presence of the Godfather himself. Things worked out just fine!

I don't want to get into any of my personal stories of glory here (not that there were any), so i'll just end this quickly by saying it was a solid night, with no hiccups and no troubles. We didn't run into any police, and managed to steer clear of the shovel-wielding face-spitting mexican gangsters that dwell in the dank alleyways of The Skinny Grid. Woo Hoo!

See you next time!

P.S. Goddamn it... There are a bunch of you who have half suggested some ideas for new maps. I want them! Stop fucking around and email me some coordinates/intersections/landmarks/googlemaps! I think we're all about ready for some new shit to go into rotation! Thanks!

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