Thursday, March 27, 2008

BOND: March 29 Update

Aight kids. Its been decided. Heres where we're playing


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Meet at 9:45PM at the intersection of Grandview and Palms. There should be plenty of parking. We will be running this map first, its a new scout, and its fucking badass.

From the end point, we will shift across the street and start...


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This is also a new map. It should be good shit.

If theres any questions email me.
See you kids sat night.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

BOND: March 29

January saw running in the rain... February was a bust... BOND is back bitches.
We're still scouting maps. If anyone has a preference, let me know.

Stay tuned for the rest of the details, but clear your damned calenders.
10PM we wreck the streets.
See you there.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

03.09 Smash Party

flyer by alex. nuff said.